As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Laura Wagner treats a broad spectrum of skin diseases from skin cancer to psoriasis to teenage acne. She cares for patients of all ages including young pediatric as well as geriatric patients. Rather than focus on cosmetic procedures, Dr. Wagner is interested in treating dermatologic manifestations of internal medicine conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune illnesses. She believes in strong patient education and careful instruction on identification of early skin cancers. As a solo practitioner, each patient receives individualized attention from Dr. Wagner, a Washington University School of Medicine graduate in practice since 1993.
Please be aware when making your appointment that there is currently a national local anesthetic shortage forcing us to postpone elective procedures requiring local anesthetic. We are reserving our lidocaine supply to continue to care for our skin cancer patients and those who require abscess drainage. We anticipate this shortage to last at least one year, after which we plan on returning to our normal practice of providing this care.
Patients with acne, rashes and individual lesions concerning for skin cancer may be able to be examined by Skype, What’sapp or Facetime, but this will not be appropriate for full skin exams. You can discuss your appointment with our staff and they will determine if your appointment can be scheduled through telemedicine. We do not accept pictures on-line.
If you have been diagnosed with Covid, or had a fever or any symptoms of an infectious illness during the 14 days prior to the appointment, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment 2 weeks beyound the original appointment. If you have been exposed to someone diagnosed with Covid, or who has had a fever or any symptions of an infectious illness during the 14 days prior to the appointment, then you will be asked to reschedule your appointment 2 weeks beyond the original appointment. If you are concerned about delaying your care for two weeks, please let my staff know and they will relay this concern to me so I can address your specific concerns.
We do require that a mask be worn at all times in the office and that the patient come in alone when they are able. This situation remains fluid and these screening parameters may change day to day. We ask for your patience and understanding during this challenging time. We look forward to caring for you as always.
Laura Wagner, MD